Car accident costs in Mableton, Georgia can easily total hundreds of thousands of dollars, and even seemingly minor injuries can rack up additional bills over time. If you were injured in a car accident you didn’t cause, you’re entitled to a full financial recovery for your damages.
For the best chance at recovering all your costs, we recommend contacting a Mableton car accident lawyer as soon as you can after the wreck. John Foy & Associates can help. Our personal injury lawyers have more than two decades of experience helping car accident victims recover for all of their damages.
How Is Fault Determined in Mableton?
In Mableton and the whole State of Georgia, the person who caused the accident (in other words, the person who was at fault) is responsible for covering all costs. This means if you had no fault in the car accident, you can submit an insurance claim to the other driver’s insurance company to pay for your damages.
Fault is based on evidence that the driver’s actions (or lack of action) led to the accident happening. This includes:
- The police report from the car accident
- Information about the accident scene
- Statements from you, the other driver, and anyone who witnessed the accident
- Personal injuries and damage to the involved vehicles
The Role of Insurance for Finding Fault
When you file a claim with the other driver’s insurance company, an adjuster will be assigned to review the case. They will use the facts and evidence above to determine who was at fault for the accident.
However, keep in mind this person will be biased because they are looking for ways to reduce the insurance company’s costs. That means they will likely look for reasons to put some blame on you or undermine your actual expenses.
To make sure there’s a level playing field, you’ll want to hire a Mableton car accident attorney who can hold the insurer responsible. They can point out inconsistencies in their assignment of fault, present additional evidence that supports your claim, and negotiate a settlement that is actually fair for you.
Get the strong arm
What If I Was Partly to Blame for the Car Accident?
It is possible for more than one driver to be at fault for a car accident. However, we find that many accident victims are inclined to blame themselves even if, in reality, they bear no fault at all. This isn’t helped by the fact that insurance companies are skilled at making accident victims think they played a part in the accident, even when they didn’t.
Before you apologize or accept any responsibility for the accident, contact a car accident lawyer in Mableton who can look at the details of the accident. They will help you determine the best course of action for your case.
In many car accidents, there is clearly a person to blame, such as in drunk driving accidents or if the driver ran a red light or was distracted. But even if you are partly to blame, your lawyer still can help you seek recovery.
Contributory Negligence in Mableton
If you are actually partially at fault for the accident, you may still be able to recover for some of your damages. In Georgia, this is known as contributory negligence. In the past, and even in some states today, even a small amount of negligence would mean you couldn’t recover any money.
With this law, you can recover damages based on the proportion of fault you hold as long as you aren’t more than 50% at fault. For example, if you were found to be 10 percent at fault for the car accident and the other driver was found to hold 90% of the fault, you would be able to recover 90% of your total damages.
This law can be very beneficial for you, but it also creates an incentive for insurance companies to blame you more often. If they can show you are at least a little at fault, they may be able to pay you less. That’s all the more reason to have an experienced car accident attorney in Mableton representing you.
If I don’t Feel Hurt, do I Need to Go to the Doctor?
Yes! It’s quite common to feel fine after an accident then feel terrible a few hours or days later. The reason for this is because your body is full of adrenaline and cortisol. You could also be in shock.
This will keep you awake and alert as a survival mechanism, but it doesn’t help you after your accident. If you tell someone that you feel fine or okay after your accident, that can be used against you in a later claim.
Once these hormones flush out of your system, then the pain starts. This is really common with whiplash injuries. People with whiplash can feel just fine right after the accident, then get overwhelmed a few hours afterward.
For these reasons, it’s best to see a doctor right away after a car accident no matter how you feel. You could have injuries that aren’t fully revealed. An early doctor’s report will also increase your chance of significant compensation for your medical bills.
Should I Wait to Get All My Bills Before I File My Accident Claim?
It is never in your interest to wait to contact a car accident lawyer after an incident. Sometimes people want to wait to get all the bills, or are afraid that calling a lawyer early will mean paying more later.
Our car accident lawyers work on a contingency plan. This means you don’t have to pay us a cent until you win your case. If you lose, then you owe us nothing. If you win, then you pay us an agreed-upon percentage of the total settlement or judgment.
By working with a lawyer early, they can get you money much faster. Insurance companies often try dragging out settlements so your bills pile up. That makes their offer more attractive. With a car accident lawyer, you can quickly get an increased settlement offer in most cases.
You Must File Your Claim Before the Deadline
There’s another good reason to have a Mableton car accident lawyer on your side as soon as possible after your accident. There is a deadline to sue in personal injury cases called the statute of limitations. In Georgia, for most accidents, this is two years from your injury.
If you try to file a lawsuit after this deadline has passed, the court will not allow it. Quite likely, the insurer will also refuse to settle with you if you wait too long to make a claim. With a lawyer on your side, you can stop this clock so you don’t miss out on compensation.
Talk to a Mableton Car Accident Attorney for Free
Car accidents are stressful enough. Don’t get left paying for costs from an accident you didn’t even cause. At John Foy & Associates, we can help you seek full financial recovery for all of your damages. We don’t back down to insurance companies, and we know how to build a solid case that presents the real facts.
We’d love to give you a FREE consultation to get started today. Call us 24 hours a day, seven days a week, or fill out the form on this page for your free consultation now.
404-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form