Many people think of rear-end collisions as nothing more than minor fender-benders. However, rear-end accidents in Stonecrest are often much more extreme than they seem. Even small injuries can worsen with time and become costly. If you were injured by someone hitting your car from behind, you must know your legal rights.
Contact a Stonecrest rear-end collision lawyer today. At John Foy & Associates, we’ll investigate your accident and determine fault. We know how to calculate your damages and fight for the fullest compensation you deserve. With over 20 years of experience, we know what it takes to win.
Contact us today for a free, no-risk consultation. You pay nothing upfront, and there is no fee unless we win your case. Call (404) 400-4000 or contact us online to get started today.
Common Causes of Rear-End Collisions
After any car accident, it’s crucial to know how the collision happened. If another driver was at fault, you must be able to prove their actions.
While every accident is different, here are some of the most common reasons for rear-end accidents:
Tailgating means following the vehicle in front too closely. Most drivers can recall times when another driver has been tailgating them. Besides being irritating, tailgating is hazardous.
Tailgating does not allow enough room between vehicles. If the front car brakes too quickly or the rear driver doesn’t react fast enough, a rear-end collision can happen. The severity of the crash can range from minor to deadly.
Distracted Driving
Many rear-end accidents happen because the rear driver was distracted. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), distracted driving caused 2,841 accidents in 2018.
Distracted driving is anything that takes a person’s attention away from driving. Types of distracted driving can include:
- Texting while driving
- Talking on the phone
- Changing the radio
- Engaging with passengers
- Tending to children or pets in the car
- Eating or drinking something
- Putting on makeup
- Looking at a GPS screen
- Daydreaming or getting lost in thought
Many activities can distract from the task of driving. Even a moment of distraction can lead to a rear-end collision. For example, a rear driver might look down at their phone for a few seconds. When they look back up, they’re suddenly colliding with the back of another vehicle.
If another driver tailgates you, there’s a good chance they were distracted in some way.
Aggressive Driving
Aggressive drivers can also cause rear-end crashes. Aggressive driving can include:
- Speeding or racing
- Weaving in and out of lanes
- Tailgating other drivers
- Failing to yield
- Changing lanes without signaling
Reckless driving often means driving too close to other drivers. This behavior often leads to rear-end accidents, and the injuries are often severe.
Driving Under the Influence
Impaired drivers can travel too closely behind other vehicles. A drunk or drugged driver might not realize how dangerous they are behaving—until they crash. Drunk driving contributes to thousands of deaths each year.
These are just a few reasons why rear-end collisions happen. If another driver hits you from behind, you have legal rights. You may deserve financial compensation for your accident costs.
Get the strong arm
Filing a Personal Injury Claim
An insurance claim is typically the first step after a rear-end accident. If another driver was at fault, you can file a claim with their insurance company.
Insurance companies will look for ways to pay as little as possible. The insurer might offer you a low amount of money upfront, but it won’t come close to what you deserve. The adjuster could also undervalue your injuries and damages.
A Stonecrest rear-end collision lawyer can help you. At John Foy & Associates, we know how to build strong injury claims and handle the insurance companies. If the insurer doesn’t negotiate a higher settlement, we can help you file a lawsuit. To learn more, call (404) 400-4000 for a FREE consultation.
Injuries from Rear-End Collisions
Rear-end accidents often lead to injuries. Most of the time, the victim has neck or head injuries. The most common rear-end accident injury is whiplash, which is often underestimated.
Whiplash is a neck injury caused by forceful back and forth movements. The motion of a rear-end crash causes sudden motions that often lead to whiplash. According to the Mayo Clinic, most whiplash injuries improve within a few weeks. However, some whiplash injuries are more severe than they seem.
Besides whiplash, other rear-end accident injuries include:
- Traumatic brain injuries (TBI)
- Back injuries
- Shoulder injuries
- Spinal cord damage
- Broken bones
- Facial injuries
- Cuts and bruises
- Burns
- Muscle strains or sprains
When someone rear-ends your car, your body stays stationary, especially if you were wearing a seatbelt. As the vehicle moves forward, your back and neck jerk around, causing damage. This movement can lead to all sorts of injuries.
After a rear-end accident, get medical attention immediately. Whiplash and other injuries can worsen quickly. You might not notice how bad the injuries are until hours or days later. If your pain changes or gets worse, see a doctor right away.
Georgia’s Filing Deadline
Personal injury claims take time to build. In Georgia, the statute of limitations is two years. That’s how much time you have from the accident date to bring a legal case.
If you wait too long, you’ll miss any chance to recover compensation. The courts will likely throw it out even if you try to file a case. To make sure that doesn’t happen, start working on your case as soon as possible.
An experienced lawyer can help you stay on track. That includes helping you with:
- Gathering evidence from the accident
- Determining who is at fault
- Calculating your total damages
- Handling the insurance company
- Negotiating for a fair settlement
- Knowing whether you need to file a lawsuit
Talk to a Stonecrest Rear-End Collisions Lawyer Today
Rear-end collisions are often much worse than they seem. If you walked away without much pain, that doesn’t mean you don’t have a case. Plus, rear-end crash injuries often get worse with time.
After your accident, call John Foy & Associates. We bring the power of the “Strong Arm,” which includes 20-plus years of hands-on experience. We do not back down from the insurance companies.
To learn more about your rights, contact us today. Get a FREE consultation by calling (404) 400-4000 or by filling out one of our online contact forms.
404-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form