Despite safety concerns and the requirements Uber has for its drivers, accidents occur. If you were involved in an accident with an Uber driver and suffered injuries, you need a Dalton rideshare accident lawyer. Call John Foy & Associates.
Determining Fault and Who Is Responsible in an Uber Accident
In any vehicle accident, proving the cause of the accident and who is responsible is key to filing a claim and getting compensation for damages. While determining fault in an Uber accident may not be more complex than any other accident, figuring out who can be held accountable is vastly more complicated.
There are many ways to reveal who was at fault in an Uber accident, such as:
- The police report
- Photos showing the positioning of the vehicles following the accident, skid marks, and the surroundings that could have been affected
- Damages to the vehicles
- Testimony of those involved, including passengers
- Eyewitness accounts
- Medical reports of injuries resulting from the accident
Some 90% to 95% of vehicle accidents are caused by neglect. That neglect is usually the fault of one of the drivers, although there are instances where an accident occurred due to a faulty car part or repair or a roadway problem.
Get the strong arm
When the Uber Driver Is at Fault
It does not matter whether you were the other driver hit by an Uber driver or the passenger who had hired the Uber driver for a ride. If you were injured due to an accident caused by an Uber driver, you deserve compensation for your injuries and damages.
Was the Uber Driver on the Job?
This is where things begin to get more complicated. It begins with whether the Uber driver was:
- Off the job and inactive
- On the job and active service
If the driver was off the job and not driving someone or available for calls, the car accident will be handled the same way as any other driver. Their insurance company will likely be responsible for damages to their car and any other vehicle and anyone’s injuries.
When an Uber Driver Causes an Accident While Working
When on the job, Uber may share responsibility for its contracted driver. Uber has a $1 million insurance policy of coverage for its drivers to deal with just such an instance. The policy is intended to provide coverage if the driver’s private insurance does not or above the policy limits of the driver’s insurance, whether the driver is working as a rideshare or delivery driver.
Why You Need a Dalton Uber Accident Attorney
A legal battle following any car accident can be tough. But an Uber- or other rideshare-involved accident is even tougher.
In a rideshare case, you are not just facing another driver and their private insurance company. You face the driver, the Uber corporation, and the insurance companies behind them.
It takes the expertise of a Dalton Uber accident lawyer with years of experience and the fortitude to deal with such a forceful opposition.
What Your Attorney Will Do
Your Uber accident attorney in Dalton must manage an independent investigation. To do so, they will:
- Review the police report and photos
- Take eyewitness testimony
- Discuss your injuries and prognosis with your doctor
- Locate and interview expert witnesses
- Enact a reconstruction of the accident, if necessary
- Determine fault and prove negligence
- Deal with each insurance company
- Work to negotiate a settlement with the high-power attorneys Uber has at its disposal
While the aim is to settle out of court, your John Foy lawyer will be ready to take that step should it become necessary. If the defendant’s team is unwilling to agree to the compensation you need and deserve, a court trial may be warranted.
Types of Compensation You Can Expect After an Uber Accident
You are entitled to recuperate any expenses incurred from your accident, such as medical care and car repairs. Examples include:
- Emergency medical transportation
- Emergency medical tests and care
- Hospitalization and surgeries
- Follow-up medical care and rehabilitation
- Loss of income from being off from work
- Repairs to your vehicle or a replacement
- Rental car expenses until your car is repaired or replaced
You can also expect compensation for the pain, suffering, and emotional toll the accident has caused. While there may be no actual bills for these non-economic damages, there are just as real as your physical injuries. Examples include:
- Psychological disorders
- Scarring or disfigurement
- A loss of enjoyment of life
- A loss of companionship and consortium
Your final settlement amount is dependent upon a variety of factors. But, minimally, you should be able to pay the bills and rest comfortably without financial worries while healing.
Georgia’s Deadline for Filing an Uber Accident Lawsuit
There is a two-year statute of limitations to file a personal injury legal claim in Georgia. This includes following an Uber accident. All the investigation, documentation, and preparation for a lawsuit must be done before filing.
That is one of the reasons why you should contact John Foy & Associates as soon as possible after your accident. We will fight hard to get you the best settlement possible.
Call John Foy & Associates for Proper Legal Representation
An Uber accident can cause substantial and sometimes life-threatening injuries. You need an experienced Uber accident lawyer in Dalton to deal with the legalities following your accident while concentrating on your medical care. John Foy & Associates offers a free initial consultation to evaluate your case.
You should bring any pertinent information and evidence you have available at that time. If you remain in the hospital or are required to convalesce at home, a John Foy attorney will come to you. We will explain the basic facts regarding an Uber accident and its legal consequences. Contact John Foy & Associates today.
706-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form