Sometimes people do not want to take responsibility for the car accidents that they cause. They choose to run away instead of facing reality. Car accidents are dangerous enough, they can be even worse when the victims are left without finding the responsible party.
If you or a loved one are injured in a hit-and-run accident in Georgia, you may be entitled to financial compensation. You should contact a hit-and-run accident lawyer in Columbus. “The Strong Arm” John Foy is comprised of experienced and professional Columbus hit-and-run accident lawyers who will help you fight to get the compensation you deserve.
Types and Causes of Hit-and-Run Accidents
Hit-and-run accidents are far more common than you would think. The AAA foundation for traffic safety found that, in the last year that data was collected, there were 731,100 hit-and-run accidents. 138,500 people were injured in those accidents.
The AAA foundation for traffic safety identified several factors that might cause hit-and-run accidents. They found that hit-and-run accidents are most often caused because runaway drivers are doing something illegal. These causes include:
- Drunk Driving– The majority of hit-and-runs are committed by drunk drivers who do not want to stick around and be arrested.
- Pedestrian Accidents– When a hit-and-run driver strikes a pedestrian, they often run away to avoid being caught. If the pedestrian died, the drivers often fear that they will be arrested for murder or manslaughter.
- Financial Troubles– When hit-and-run drivers have money troubles, sometimes they will run away from the accident to try to avoid paying for the damage that they caused.
- Existing Criminal Record– When the hit-and-run driver already has a criminal record or is on probation, they might be motivated to run away to avoid going back to jail.
Hit-and-run accidents, like all car accidents, can lead to complicated litigation before you can receive compensation for your injuries. You need help from a professional Columbus hit-and-run accident lawyer who is experienced in hit-and-run accidents.
Get the strong arm
Compensation Available for Hit-and-Run Accidents
Car accidents can cause extreme injuries or even death. The injuries caused by car accidents can lead to permanent disfigurement or disability. The award for a victim of a distracted driving accident can be hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars.
However, each case is different, and your compensation will depend on the merits of your case. Your attorney can help you create a list of your injuries. Injuries are categorized in one of two ways: economic (or special) damages or non-economic (or general) damages.
Economic damages are damages that are easy to calculate because they are for a set amount, while non-economic damages are more subjectively calculated and will typically be left up to the jury to determine. Your compensation might include:
Economic/Special Damages:
- Loss of income – Your injuries might be severe enough to cause you to miss work, or be unable to achieve a promotion at work
- Loss of income for your family – If you are killed in the accident, your family may recover the money that you would have earned had you lived.
- Medical bills
- Expenses for traveling for medical care
- Home nursing care
- Physical therapy costs
- Medical devices – such as a wheelchair if you are disabled
- Repair or Replacement costs of your car
- Coverage for household services (cooking, cleaning, home maintenance) if your injuries are so severe that you can no longer perform these tasks
Non-Economic/General Damages:
- Mental Anguish / Emotional Distress – these damages can also be economic if you have bills for therapy or psychiatric care
- Pain and Suffering
- Scarring
- Disfigurement
- Loss of companionship for your loved ones if you are disabled or die
- Loss of consortium – damages for your family if they are deprived of benefits that you provided them
- Loss of enjoyment of life.
Punitive Damages
Punitive damages, which are extra damages designed to punish the defendant, are also available when the defendant was grossly negligent or acted intentionally. These damages may be recovered when the defendant’s actions were extremely careless, such as when drunk driving was involved.
The Statute of Limitations for Hit-and-Run Accidents in Georgia
Georgia state law places a time limit on the amount of time that you have to sue. If you wish to sue someone for a hit-and-run accident, you must file your lawsuit within a certain amount of time after you discover the injury. For car accidents, this basically means that the time limit begins to run at the time of the accident.
In Georgia, the statute of limitations for personal injuries is 2 years. The statute of limitations for damage to property (like your car) is 4 years. However, the statute of limitations for actions involving loss of consortium is also 4 years. Some cases invoke multiple statutes of limitations.
These laws have been the subject of numerous court cases involving dense legal theory. This can, of course, make your case far more complicated. You do not need to try to figure it all out for yourself. An experienced attorney can figure all of this out for you and ensure that your case is filed on time.
Contact a Columbus Hit-and-Run Accident Attorney at John Foy
If you or a loved one have been the victim of a hit-and-run accident, contact “The Strong Arm” John Foy. Lawsuits can be complicated and intimidating. You do not need to do it alone; John Foy & Associates is here to help you.
John Foy has won many large settlements and verdicts for his clients. He is closely involved with the Georgia community and has almost 30 years of experience fighting for Georgians. He will treat you with the respect that you deserve and fight hard for you.
John Foy & Associates work completely on contingency, which means that you will not pay them anything unless they get compensation for you. When you need a hit-and-run accident attorney in Columbus, contact John Foy & Associates for a free consultation.
706-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form