Some rear-enders may seem mild, but even the least-damaging ones can mean an injury that needs physical therapy and takes you our of work. Whether it’s whiplash, a back injury, or anything else, you shouldn’t have to pay for your own recovery process if someone else was at fault.
Our Union City rear-end collision lawyers can help you get compensation. Read more about rear-end accidents in Georgia and what an attorney can do for your case. If you have more specific questions or want to know how much money you’re eligible for, you can talk to John Foy & Associates for free.
Why Should I Hire a Rear-End Collision Attorney?
Rear-end accident claims can be more difficult than you think, especially if there is an injury involved. The other party’s insurance company may try to short you on your compensation, and the only way to counteract that is to have a strong basis of evidence and good negotiation skills.
This is likely your first time handling a personal injury claim, but it’s far from our first time. Our Union City rear-end collision attorneys have extensive experience in car accident cases, and they know exactly what to do and say to make sure you get the best compensation possible.
Things that your rear-end collision lawyer can do for you include:
- Investigating your accident and gathering solid evidence
- Calculating the full extent of your damages to show exactly how much you’re owed
- Negotiating with the insurance company and making sure they don’t take advantage of you
- Fighting for you in court in the rare event that the other side refuses to settle
One of the best things about our legal services is that you don’t have to pay anything up front for a rear-end collision attorney’s help. That way, there’s no risk of spending money on a lawyer who won’t get you compensation. You only owe us once we have successfully gotten you a settlement.
Get the strong arm
How to Know If You Have a Personal Injury Claim
Not every rear-end collision results in a personal injury claim. Three things have to be true for you to be eligible for compensation:
- The other party had a duty of care. This is the basic standard that someone in a certain position can be held to in their efforts to keep others safe. When you’re on the road, the duty of care covers driving responsibly and paying attention to the road.
- The other party breached their duty of care, either intentionally or through negligence. This is often easy to prove in a rear-end accident case, as common causes of rear-enders include distracted driving, speeding, or tailgating.
- The other party’s negligence caused your injuries and the expenses that followed.
If the above points are true, you could be able to file a successful personal injury claim. That isn’t simple, though, and the other party and their insurance company may put up a fight. That’s why it’s important to hire a rear-end collision lawyer who knows what they’re doing and can get you the results you need to support yourself while you recover.
How Much You Can Recover for a Rear-End Accident
The compensation that you get with your lawyer’s help will, ideally, cover all the damages that you experienced because of your rear-end collision. Because of that, however, and the fact that everyone’s recovery process is different, there’s no set amount that your settlement will provide.
It’s not really helpful to look up the average car accident settlement or what other people make from their car accident claims. Instead, it’s more helpful to know what can affect your settlement and how the laws apply to your situation.
There are generally two factors that affect compensation in a rear-end accident:
- How severe your injuries are
- How much the insurance company is willing to pay you for your claim
In some cases, your settlement could also change due to the amount of fault that you had in your accident. Georgia uses the “modified comparative negligence” rule, which means if someone had a small amount of fault in their accident, their compensation could be reduced proportionally.
Ultimately, the most dependable way to find out how much you could make from your rear-end accident is by talking to a lawyer who has experience with cases like yours. An attorney can talk to you about your situation, assess your damages, and give you an idea of how much your settlement could be.
Damages You Are Entitled to After a Car Accident
The compensation that you receive for your crash will always be based on specific damages that the other party caused. Some of the damages that you can recover from a rear-end accident claim include:
- Medical expenses
- Repair bills
- Lost wages
- Payment for physical therapy and other future treatment
- Pain and suffering
- Mental distress
Your Union City rear-end collision attorney won’t just take your past damages into account. They will also calculate how much you’re likely to pay in the future and whether you’ve lost any earning potential. That way, your compensation can offset every monetary loss you experience because of your accident.
Talk to a Rear-End Collision Attorney in Union City for Free
Your rear-end collision could have consequences that you don’t even realize. Whether it’s added medical bills or weeks of lost work, any complication could cost you. A Union City rear-end collision lawyer from John Foy & Associates can help you get compensation for your expenses.
Call us or contact us online for a FREE initial consultation. You can get in touch with us all day, every day.
404-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form