Moving is expensive, and to save money, some people rent a U-Haul truck rather than hire professional movers. As amateur movers, these folks lack experience handling bulky trucks and loading cargo safely and may be in a rush to return the truck by its due date. These issues, plus the other typical dangers that come with large, heavy vehicles, put others on the road in danger.
Navigating the aftermath of an accident with a U-Haul truck can be tricky, and as a victim, your best approach is to leave your case in the hands of an Atlanta truck accident lawyer from John Foy & Associates. Our team comprises 150 members–attorneys, investigators, legal assistants, and others–and our collective efforts have brought successful case outcomes for 25 years. An experienced Georgia U-Haul truck accident lawyer from our firm is ready to get to work for you.
Take Steps at the Scene
Knowing what to do immediately after a U-Haul accident can help your case. Should your injury be too severe for you to move without causing further harm, stay put until emergency help arrives. If you can move safely, there are steps to take–or avoid taking–to support your potential injury claim.
Take Photos and Video
Take pictures or video (or both) of the entire accident scene. Capture roadway, traffic, and weather conditions. Document the position of and damage to the vehicles as well as skid marks, tire tracks, or other physical evidence that could explain what happened.
Snap photos of security or traffic camera locations. Footage from those sources may provide valuable evidence, and your U-Haul truck accident lawyer in Georgia can request that footage later. Include pictures of your injuries and any other relevant details.
Get Contact Details
Exchange driver’s license and insurance information with the other driver or drivers involved and document the U-Haul truck’s license plate and other identifying information. The best practice is to photograph that information. If there are witnesses around, ask for their contact information, and if they have photo or video footage, ask them to share it with you.
Call Law Enforcement
Call law enforcement to the accident scene. It is best to do this after any accident, as sometimes even seemingly minor events can produce serious injury or damage not immediately apparent. Having an official report helps support your case, and your attorney will request that report and likely use it as evidence for your claim.
Watch Your Words
Do not discuss the accident or your injuries with other parties involved. Keep your comments to the minimum–just exchange critical contact and insurance information. Even innocent or “polite” comments like “I don’t think I’m hurt too badly” or “I’m sorry this whole thing happened” can be later used to minimize your damages or interpreted as an admission of fault.
You will have to report the accident to your insurance. Keep this conversation brief and factual. Tell your adjuster when and where the accident occurred, indicate that you will be getting medical care, and then speak to an attorney before having any additional discussions.
Get the strong arm
Steps to Take After Leaving the Scene
Seeking medical care and connecting with a U-Haul truck accident lawyer in Georgia are the next steps to take after leaving the accident scene. Prompt action on both fronts is critical to your well-being and a favorable case outcome.
Prompt Medical Care
Even a minor bump from a truck can do serious damage. These large and loaded vehicles carry massive weight, so no collision should be dismissed as insignificant. Get your injuries looked at, diagnosed, and treated to prevent further damage.
The effects of injuries can take time to show. The adrenaline rush after a crash can mask damage, and only later do you experience debilitating back or neck pain or realize your vision is fuzzy and you feel overall weakness or other symptoms. Without fast care, moderate injuries can become severe, and slow-appearing traumatic brain injuries can turn deadly.
Prompt care also prevents the at-fault party from claiming your decision to postpone treatment caused your worsened condition. Or, from claiming you could not have been hurt that badly since you did not seek care right away and that you only sought medical attention to get a settlement. You can shut these arguments down before they start by getting fast care.
Connect with a Lawyer
Reach out to John Foy & Associates and partner with a U-Haul truck accident attorney in Georgia. Georgia Code §9-3-33 gives injury victims two years to file an injury claim. A timely partnership gives your attorney time to investigate your accident, identify the negligent party, and file the claim within that deadline.
It is worth hiring a truck accident lawyer. Since we work on a contingency basis, you will not have to pay any attorney fees until you see a settlement. You can put your energy into recovery as your attorney will handle all the work and details involved in building your case:
- Identifying the negligent party: The U-Haul driver may be responsible, but other options also exist. A third-party driver may be at fault, or U-haul may not have done its due diligence when approving the rental or giving safety instructions.
- Gathering evidence: Our team has relationships with truck accident reconstructionists and other experts who can give insight into your case. We will also gather police reports, camera footage, witness statements, and any other valuable information available.
- Managing legalities: We take care of filing and following legal documentation and procedures, respectively.
- Valuing your case: Victims do not always recognize the extent of their losses. Your attorney will consider every financial cost incurred by the accident and put a fair dollar amount on your pain and emotional suffering to calculate fair damages as established in Georgia Code §51-12-1.
- Negotiating compensation. You will not have to deal with insurance representatives about compensation. Your attorney will advocate fiercely on your behalf, informing you of all offers and advising you on how to respond.
Though your attorney will work to settle your case through negotiations, sometimes, going to trial is necessary. The at-fault party just may not negotiate in good faith. If this happens, you can count on your Georgia U-Haul accident attorney to provide superior representation at every trial proceeding.
Reliable, Experienced, and Effective
For decades, Georgia’s injury victims have counted on John Foy & Associates, the Strong Arm, to protect their rights and secure justice. Now, we are ready to fight for you. We provide the reliable, experienced, and effective representation you need to get the compensation you deserve.
404-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form