The moments following an accident in which a Budget truck driver slams their vehicle into yours can be mentally and physically exhausting. If you have suffered an injury, you should seek help right away. In the days after the incident, you may want to connect with an Atlanta Budget truck accident lawyer who can help you pursue damages from the liable party.
Steps to Take After an Accident with a Budget Truck
To date, the team at John Foy & Associates has helped our clients secure more than $1 billion in damages in personal injury cases. Contact us today to discuss your case with the Strong arm of the law. We also encourage you to check out our list of 10 things to do if you are injured in a Budget truck accident.
1. Dial 911
Call 911, and emergency responders will arrive at the accident scene within minutes. Provide the operator with information about your name and information relating to your accident. Try to remain calm as you discuss your accident with them.
2. Make Sure Everyone Is Safe
Even if you feel frustrated and annoyed at the Budget truck driver, make sure this individual and anyone else involved in your accident is OK. Resist the urge to blame anyone for the accident. Rather, work together with those who may be dealing with injuries to ensure that everyone is able to remain safe.
3. Receive Medical Care
Let medical professionals assess and treat your injury. If they recommend going to a hospital for further evaluation, follow through on this. Otherwise, your injury may get worse, to the point where it affects you long into the future.
4. Talk to the Police
Discuss your accident with the police. In the moments following your accident, police officers will collect information from you and others involved. They can explain how to get a police report for a car accident in Georgia, which you may retrieve days after the incident.
5. Capture Photos and Videos
If you have your smartphone with you, use it to take photos and videos of the accident scene. Also, snap photos and videos of your injury. You only get one chance to capture on-the-scene evidence, so it may be best to collect as much proof as you can.
6. Do Not Take Responsibility for Your Accident
If the Budget driver or someone else tries to get you to say you are liable for your accident, do not speak about the incident. Anything you say may be held against you. By taking the blame for your accident, you may be held responsible for all of your accident-related losses.
7. Remain at the Scene
In terms of what to do after a truck accident, it may be a good idea to stay where you are until emergency responders arrive on the scene. If you leave the scene, you may be breaking the law. There is also a chance that the at-fault Budget truck driver may say you drove away from the scene and claim you are fully responsible for the incident.
8. Get the Truck Driver’s Information
Request the truck driver’s contact, driver’s license, and insurance information. Find out why they were driving a Budget truck in the first place. This may give you insights into who you may sue if you decide to seek damages.
9. Notify Your Insurance Company
Tell your insurance carrier about your accident, which will prompt an investigation. You are required to carry auto insurance if you drive a car in Georgia. When you notify your insurer about your accident, they can contact the liable party’s insurance provider and work with them to help you get compensation.
10. Hire an Attorney
Choose an attorney who has received many positive client testimonials. At John Foy & Associates, we work diligently to help our clients get the compensation they deserve. For more information, get in touch with us.
Get the strong arm
What to Do in the Weeks After You Suffer an Injury in a Budget Truck Accident
A Budget truck accident injury can have long-lasting ramifications. How you handle the weeks after your accident may impact your injury recovery. Here are things you can do to take care of yourself and put yourself in the best position to rebound from your accident and injury.
Continue to Go to the Doctor
Follow your doctor’s treatment plan and attend follow-up appointments. This helps ensure that your recovery stays on track. Monitor your medical bills and treatments since you may be able to use these in your case against an at-fault party.
Submit a Claim
File your claim before you run out of time to do so. In Georgia, there is a statute of limitations of two years. If you decide not to submit a request for damages within two years of your accident, you may not be able to do so at a later time.
Do Not Publish Content About Your Accident and Injury on Social Media
Provide updates about your accident and injury through phone and video calls, emails, and text messages. If you post content about them on X, Facebook, and other social networks, the photos and videos you share may be publicly accessible. Thus, an at-fault party or their insurance carrier may try to use this content to dispute your claim.
Do Not Speak About Your Accident and Injury
Beware any phone calls you receive from a liable party or their insurance company. These parties may contact you to get you to accept responsibility for your accident or approve a settlement that is far less than what your case is worth. Instead of discussing your case, let your attorney handle all of your legal communications.
Collaborate with Your Lawyer
Keep the lines of communication open with your attorney. You and your lawyer can search for ways to strengthen your argument. In addition, your lawyer can provide resources and answer any legal questions you have.
Partner with a Budget Truck Accident Attorney
Do not let an at-fault party off the hurt for your Budget truck accident and injury. At John Foy & Associates, we may be able to help you with your case. To schedule a free consultation, contact us today.
404-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form