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Nobody wants to get a ticket. Besides a fine, it could mean points on your driver's license and even jail time. That means it's important to know traffic laws in Georgia and how to avoid getting a violation.
You should also know what to do after you've gotten a ticket. Thankfully, John Foy & Associates is here to answer some frequently asked questions about traffic violations in Georgia.
If you've been in an accident because of someone else's reckless driving, you may be eligible for compensation. Even if the at-fault driver is not convicted, you may still have a case. Our accident attorneys can help you get what you deserve.
If an officer pulls you over for a violation, your ticket could have real consequences. You don't want points on your license. Even more importantly, you don't want to be in a car accident.
Stay informed on traffic violations in Georgia so you don't have an increase in your insurance rate or a mark on your driving record. And if you have been in an auto accident because of someone else's recklessness, call John Foy & Associates at (404) 400-4000 for a free consultation.